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My Apps

Published: at 06:37 PM


App Development

Recently I have engaged in developing some Apps for both Android and IOS, to give myself a bit of knowledge as I have never done it before.

A part from the fun part, the burocracy behind hosting an App on IOS or Android stores is seriously disturbing. Meaning that it takes 1 day to develop an App and more than 2 weeks to put it online.

Despite from that, I am working on getting more and more specialized on every aspect of that.

Spacca Quindici (Break 15)

This has been the first App I have developed, from scratch in less than 24 hours. I am quite proud of that. For the moment it didn’t make it to go in the App Stores.

Stay tuned for that.

Love Affinity Calculator

This app comes from a suggestion by my friend Fabio. He mentioned that when he was going at school, there was an algorithm that based on two names was able to give a percentage of affinity. It took me a couple of hours to develop it. It is in Beta testing on the Google Play Store, while I am still waiting for the necessary authorizations from the Apple App Store.

Memorix Match Game

This was another idea I had, it’s the same old game where you must find the match of the same card or tile. So I have engaged the Artificial Intelligence and I have generated 75 different tiles. It is also integrated with the Apple Game Center and the Google Play to have leaderbords in case you want to challenge your friends or go globally.

It is currently in Beta Test on the Apple App Store and waiting for authorizations from the Google Play Store.


Here we have an App that is engaging the Artificial Intelligence in order to create a story, provide questions to the player on how to proceed.

I am currently working on that, so you won’t find it anywhere yet.


Finex is an App that is analyzing the stock exchange data and provides hints on events to be checked. The idea is that a user cannot stay 24 hours in front of an application checking stock charts. So we every hour we run an analysis which is providing the necessary hints.

In internal Beta testing for both IOS and Android

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You can contact me at if you need any additional question on my Apps.